The Discipline of English is delighted to welcome you to your first year of university studies in English literature. We look forward to discussing thoughts on texts with you and to hearing your insights from your own reading experiences, past, present and anticipated. Below is some general information about the 1BA English course.
HERE is ALL THE INFORMATION you need for 1st Year English: 1BA Handbook 2024-25
This is your bible to 1BA English at University of Galway.
FIRST YEAR ENGLISH at University of Galway
Welcome to English! All of us in the Discipline of English here at University of Galway look forward enormously to meeting and working with you in the upcoming academic year.
Reading defines who we are as human beings. It shapes how we understand and appreciate the world from manuals to manuscripts and from libraries to love songs. But we don’t always think about how we read. By making us pay attention to this – to precisely what, how, and why we read – studying literature opens up new ways of understanding ourselves and others. And it can be fun, too.
The programme in First Year English at University of Galway is designed to introduce you to different ways of reading. We consider the forms in which literature is composed (poetry, fiction, drama). We talk about how different people, including writers, philosophers and literary critics, have been reading literature (and other texts) and how that affects our responses now. We look at English literature as it interacts with different historical periods, media, and cultural contexts, and how to ‘read’ these too.
Most of all the course asks you to practice your own reading, closely, slowly, deeply, and widely. By reading carefully, thoughtfully, and productively, you learn to better explore literature for yourself. And to help you take control of your own learning you develop different skills of speaking and writing about literature using all the rigour, passion, creativity and expression at your command.
Studying English at university can be a little different from studying at school. You have more freedom, but at the same time more is demanded from you. Most of your time is spent in reading and preparation for class. Thankfully there is a huge variety of texts to get to grips with in first year English, from poetry of the heroic past and innovations of the present to novels dealing with the contemporary world, from the latest in critical thinking to forms of theatre that engage our minds, bodies, and our creative and political energies. So come and explore, get reading, and get ahead!
When you need information about First Year English, you should check in one of the following places:
(i) 1BA Handbook 2024-25
(ii) Canvas (the online platform that lecturers use to upload all course material including booklists, essay topics, lecture schedules, etc.
(iii) Discipline of English Website (this section)
(iv) Discipline of English Office Room: 511, Floor 3, Tower 1, Tel.: +353 (0)91 492567; E-mail:
If you have a question or problem that cannot be answered by these sources, then you should consult with one of the Joint Heads of First Year English, Dr Heather Ladd ( or Dr Andrew Ó Baoill (
Locations and Office Hours for 2023-24:
Dr Andrew Ó Baoill: Room 513, Floor 1, Tower 1.
Dr O'Baoill’s office hours are: Monday and Wednesday 2-3pm.
Dr Heather Ladd: Room 506, Floor 3, Tower 1.
Dr Ladd’s office hours for Semester 1 are: Tuesday 2-3 pm and Thursday 11am-12 noon
Lecturers on your individual modules will also be happy to meet with you during their designated office hours, usually posted on office doors and on Canvas. If you are unable to attend office hours or it is outside semester, please e-mail for an appointment.
All BA (Joint Honours) and Denominated students in first year English take the following:
All BA Connect students in First Year English take the following: