Book a ServiceOntario appointment

Book an appointment before going to a ServiceOntario centre.

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Book an appointment online

You can book an appointment online at select ServiceOntario centres up to four weeks in advance of your visit:

Before you book an appointment

Services offered

The services that are available may vary from centre to centre.

All centres offer:

After you book

You will receive an email shortly after booking your appointment with:

You will also receive a reminder email the day before your appointment.

Automatic licence plate renewals

Your passenger vehicle, light commercial vehicle, motorcycle or moped license plate will renew automatically if you have no outstanding fines, fees or tolls and you have valid car insurance.

Book an appointment by phone

You can book an appointment by phone at these ServiceOntario centres up to two weeks in advance:

Request accessibility accommodations

If you require accommodation to book an appointment, please call:

If you would like to request a sign language interpreter or deafblind intervenor for your appointment, or an accommodation at your preferred location, please email

The day of your appointment

Bring all necessary supporting documents with you to your appointment. Find more information about what you need to bring for different services.

In the event of an unexpected office closure, we will make every effort to let you know before your appointment by email. To reschedule your appointment, please follow the instructions in your confirmation or reminder email, or call ServiceOntario.

Cancel or change your appointment

Follow the instructions in your confirmation or reminder email if you want to cancel or change your appointment.

ServiceOntario virtual appointments for health card renewals

ServiceOntario is now offering virtual appointments to renew health cards.

A virtual appointment is a video call with a ServiceOntario customer service representative to help you renew your health card from home, without visiting in-person at a ServiceOntario centre.

This virtual appointment pilot service is currently available if your health card is not expired yet and you:

Further requirements may apply. Call ServiceOntario to learn more about virtual appointments.